My summary:
What you are looking for in a multivitamin is various vitamins and minerals. Minerals are bulky so that's why you are prompted to take a few pills a day. Chances are 1 pill a day probably cannot give you 100% of daily value as far as minerals are concerned but it is certainly possible to get 100% of all vitamins in a pill. But that's ok since I think we should get minerals via other means on a daily basis.
- No iron
- Calcium: 1000 mg (DV), get ALL from food, if over 51, 1200mg, if over 75, 1500mg, men shouldn't take a calcium supplement; Andrew Weil, founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, says it increases the risk of prostate cancer.
- Carotenoids desired: beta carotene, alpha carotene, gamma carotene, lycopene, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin or astaxanthin.
- vitamin A: sources are usually retinol (aka "performed vitamin A" or acetate or palmitate) and beta carotene. Def go with latter. Excess retinol (acetate, palmitate) is said to cause reduction in bone density and fracture and harm liver health. Take no more than 5000 IU and 100% from beta carotene is the best. No vit A for smokers! Also, 50% from supplement and 50% from food is the best.
- vitamin B6: 2(DV)-50 mg (for heart disease)
- vitamin B12: 6 mcg(DV) but if over 50, 25-100 mcg (for heart disease and nerve damage)
- vitamin C: 200-500 mg (heart and age related diseases)
- vitamin D: 400 IU or if north of boston 600IU in winter/fall
- vitamin E: 400 IU (30IU is DV), make sure type is d-alpha-tocopherol (rather than "dl") or tocotrienols
- vitamin D: 2000 IU
- folic acid: 400(DV)-800 mcg (heart)
- chromium: 200 mcg (120 mcg DV) (prevent diabetes)
- Magnesium: 400mg(DV), get from supplement and food like beans and artichokes (bones and heart)
- yeast based selenium: 200 mcg if man (prevent cancer), less than 70 mcg if woman.
- I think, due to potential side effects and risks, it is best to know what you lack the most and focus on supplementing only those. To that end, nothing beats the real sources like fruits and vegetables etc. Look at the vitamins picture.
WebMD Multivitamins FOR MEN
What to look for?
What to look for, take 2?
Bad for you? Get everything from diet, except vitamin D which you can get from supplement!
Should I? For athletes and body builders, need to replace vitamins and minerals fast, so may make sense.
On and on and on.... My conclusion: take something to replenish vitamins and minerals right after workout in juice form . Otherwise, just take D on a daily basis. Rest, get from diet.
What to drink right after workout?
here is one
another one
So, maybe drink my regular NATURAL fruit juice in the morning and after workout, but mixed with supplements? YEAH
How to choose best multivitamin?
If you must, look for those with:
No iron
3,000 to 5000 International Units of vitamin A, with at least 20% of it as beta-carotene
A lot of vitamin D
USP insignia
Good Reviews
One a day Men's Healt Formula - no iron, not sure about USP, $10 per 100 tablets
Centrum Silver Ignore 50+ sign
1 comment:
A negative user comment on Amazon abt GNC Mega Men Sport:
Tips to look for in a multiviatmin:
-Vitamin A as 100% betacarotene (the safest form of vitamin A, unless you smoke, in which case beta-carotene can increase your chances of lung cancer)
-minerals in either citrate or amino acid chelate forms, but NOT carbonates or oxides, i.e. calcium citrate & magnesium citrate (not mixtures such as what this multi does)
-methylcobalmin for vitamin B-12
-200mcg of selenium in the L-selenomethionine form
-capsule, softgel or liquid is the perferred form since caplets/tablets have a harder time dissolving and some brands have been found to not dissolve at all... for the record, GNC Mega Men's does not have this problem.
-Avoid vitamins that have artificial fillers or objectionable ingredients, such as titanium dioxide.
Almost no multivitamin is going to be completely perfect so some additional supplementing is almost always going to be needed. But this multivitamin just has too many flaws to over-come.
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